GAF has been successfully awarded a Project in Ecuador, which has the main aim to design and implement an Early Warning System based on Earth Observation data to detect deforestation events; the system will support the Government in their forest and protected area management schemes. The Project is being implemented in strong collaboration with the Ministry of Environment in Ecuador and supported with KfW funds.
The backbone of the Early Warning system will be the freely available satellite data from the Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 sensors. The core objective of the project assignment comprises the development of a cloud based satellite data processing and implementation of the early warnings to support the Government’s regulatory and administrative processes in forest management. Further, a mobile application for field validation will be provided to the client.
The project has planned duration of six month and already started on July 1st with the collection of User’s Requirements and the Kick-off meeting in Quito, Ecuador.