After prevailing against international competition in the tendering process, GAF has been awarded the contract to set-up a reliable and efficient mining cadastre system in Chad. This includes the provision of institutional strengthening measures and capacity building regarding the management of mining titles both centrally and at the local level. In the project, GAF will integrate its leading platform for cadastral solutions, eMC+, which will be customised to suit the needs of the Ministry of Mines, Development of Industry and Commerce and Promotion of Private Sector (MMDICPSP) and its agencies. An important factor for the long-term sustainability of the project is the availability of the system’s source code.
The use of this system avoids any problems with applications and granted licences overlapping areas that are not permitted for mineral titling or with previously awarded licences. The processing of applications for titles will strictly follow the regulations and workflows stipulated by the law. The activities in this subcomponent of the project will help long-term country development outcomes by introducing best practices and enhancing the contribution of the mining sector to Chad’s national economic development.
The project is funded by the UNDP – United Nations Development Program. It has a duration of nine months, with an additional 12 months for support. The project kick-off event was held in December 2019.