Dr. Bernd Schulte, Head of Geological and Mineral Resources Mapping at GAF, presented his paper “EO services and products for the mine life cycle” at the thematic conference Copernicus for Raw Materials: making the potential fully operational, which was held in Brussels on 12 November 2018. He also participated in a lively panel discussion emphasising the achievements already made using Copernicus data for the various steps of a mining project. Moreover, the full potential of Earth Observation has not yet been realised and various ideas for customisable products and services were therefore also presented.
GAF, with its unmatched reference portfolio for raw materials projects supporting a modern mineral policy and providing industrial customers, as well as a strongly growing artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) community, with tailored administrative solutions, is planning to invest heavily in new methods and know-how for the sector in the coming years.