Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) is an ESA initiative to support the uptake of Earth Observation (EO)-derived information in sustainable development. The EO4SD Forest Management project (EO4SD-FM) – aims to demonstrate the utility and benefit of mainstreaming EO-based forest related products and services for improved Forest Management for IFI programmes and stakeholders in Client States (CS).
The EO4SD-FM project will provide a quality assured portfolio of geo-spatial products that can be used in tropical dry and tropical humid ecosystems ins, such as in in Latin America, South East Asia and Africa.
As all products and services will be user-driven – the EO4SD project team asks all interested stakeholders to fill out a 10-Minute-questionnaire, which is available in English and Spanish.
The answers will help further evaluate and design Earth Observation capabilities, activities, services and training for the EO4SD-FM project:
Thank you for your participation!